ArteHacker.UITKEditorAid Namespace
ArrayPropertyField | Control for a serialized Array or List. It has many customization options. |
BindingStopper | Element that prevents binding its children from higher in the hierarchy. |
Disabler | Element that disables its content according to its shouldDisable callback. |
EditableLabel | A label that transforms into a field for editing its text. |
EditorAidResources | A static class for accessing resources used by this package. |
FixedSpace | Element that adds a fixed space along its parent's flexDirection. |
FlexibleSpace | Element that takes any leftover space along its parent's flexDirection. |
ListControl | Base class to create a reorderable list. |
ListOfInspectors | A list of Objects similar to the components list in a GameObject's inspector. |
ListRow | Element used as an item inside ArrayPropertyField. |
ManagedReferenceField | Element that handles fields with the SerializeReference attribute. |
PropertyContainer | Element that shows a SerializedProperty's prefab override indicators,
and the property's menu on context click. |
ReferenceTypeChangeEvent | Event sent by ManagedReferenceField when the field's type changes. |
TabbedView | Element for organizing content with tabs. |
ValueTracker<TValue> | Utility element that listens for changes in a SerializedProperty. |
AddButtonMode | Defines the way that an add button looks in a list. See also: addButtonMode |
ListHeaderMode | Defines behavior of a list header. See also: headerMode |